IQ Technologies for Earth and Space GmbH Ernst-Lau-Strasse 5 12489 Berlin
Phone +49 30 863230-500 Fax +49 30 863230-505 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Since 1999
Our origin
IQ Technologies for Earth and Space GmbH (formerly IQ wireless GmbH), headquartered in Berlin, was established over 20 years ago and currently consists of three innovative business units:
With 50 employees, all three divisions work tirelessly on the development and optimization of these products in order to meet the needs of customers and offer solutions for the complex challenges of the future. The technological innovations are researched, developed, manufactured, and tested at its headquarters in Berlin, Germany.
We would like to thank the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) for giving us the opportunity to present our company in Berlin-Adlershof and our high-tech developments "made in Germany" as part of the program "schön + gut: Erfindungen von hier für morgen". The program was broadcast on 17 March 2023.
We develop innovative solutions for our customers day by day. This is possible because of our long-term employees, whose knowledge, skills and experience are our most valuable asset.
We are always happy to receive applications from people who are interested in our high-tech products and motivated developing them further.