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Let us handle your communication challenges

Space and ground
seamless connected



Active ground station usage (TRL 9)

Ground Equipment

In addition to our broad range of transceivers and antennas, we offer a ground modem from the Germany-based company WORK Microwave, as well as an in-house developed ground converter unit.

AX-60 Ground Modem (Work Microwave)

WORK Microwave’s AX-60 ground station modem supports same CCSDS and DVB-S2 communication protocols like our XLink platform.

Download AX-60 DATASHEET

It is the ground station counterpart for our XLink SDR Platform. Development and verification go hand-in-hand between the space and ground segments to fully ensure compatibility with this end-to-end solution for the mission phase. 

Ground Converter Unit (GCU)

Our Ground Converter Unit (GCU) can be integrated effortlessly into your ground segment and can represent the block between the ground station modem and antenna. Our GCU will be tailored to your mission and requirements.

Get in touch with our experts to find out more:

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Discover our advanced
ground equipment